Behind GlasSchmiede is Patrick Salvatore Rastelli, an artisan with a very special idea of material combinations. The fire of enthusiasm began to burn since childhood and so he made it his task to live with that fire.

Fire has always been the most important companion of man and has therefore been treated with respect in all cultures. It nourishes and warms, and it harbors an uncanny force of destruction. It is not for nothing that the blacksmith is a mythical figure and appears in many old stories as the devil's brother banished from the city. In fact, the relocation of smithies to areas outside the city was due to the fire hazard in cramped residential areas. But fire carries not only danger, but also mythical transformation, new beginnings and rebirth, a recurring motif in many cultures. In our time, the craft of blacksmithing is part of a vanishing traditional culture and thus gradually regains recognition in the population.
The special fascination of this craft is that every time, after a hard and strenuous day of work, the waves of fire inevitably give birth to a beautiful unique piece. And so began the journey of Patrick Salvatore Rastelli to create new things with his enthusiasm and blazing fire.
My name is Patrick Salvatore Rastelli and I was born in Vienna in 1997. After graduating from the Cooperative Middle School with a focus on natural sciences in Vienna Ottakring in 2012, I attended the Department of Building and Environmental Engineering at the HTL in Mödling (Lower Austria) for three semesters.
During a two-month hitchhiking trip through Japan, I was inspired by traditional cultures and handicrafts and gained a deep insight into Shingon Buddhism. What fascinated me most was the art of blacksmithing and its traditional processing of steel. My passion for photography also developed during this trip.
From winter 2013 I attended several courses at the Schmiedeakademie in Ybbsitz (Lower Austria), where I was able to learn from Mag. Christine Habermann, HR DI Gernot Walter and Thomas Hochstädt. As a result of this suggestion, I began to attend the HTL in Steyr (Austria) in 2014 and finished in 2019 with a diploma thesis and final examination to become an blacksmith and metal sculptor.
During my training in Steyr, I did internships at internationally recognized blacksmiths. In 2016 I was at Lilienstahl in Ernstbrunn (Lower Austria) and learned how to make high-quality damask knives from master blacksmith Florian Stockinger. I was also able to gain insight into materials research at the TGM.
In 2018, I had the privilege of working as an assistant blacksmith for the internationally acclaimed blacksmith Nigel Barnett in Norfolk (UK). I was involved in large-scale projects and also in Mr. Barnett’s special skill of “caravan” construction out of wood. In addition to other small works, I learned restoration work, whereby Mr. Barnett entrusted me with the responsibility of completing a restoration project of a historical memorial.
A studio partnership with Mario Werndl’s Loftelier began with the diploma project to produce a case lock based on a historical model using modern manufacturing techniques, which was continued with commissioned work, restoration work and own art objects.
Since 2019 I am a volunteer secretary at the Sound Brigade Cultural Association and support the association in planning processes, as well as photographic documentation at events, such as the Blood Moon Festival at the Böllerbauer Cultural Association in The Hague (Lower Austria).
After feeling the desire to combine metal with glass, I decided to attend the College for Object Design and Production at the PHTL in Kramsach (T) in 2019. In the autumn of 2019, I also attended glassmaking courses outside the school, which took place under the direction of Richard Weber.
The resulting glass objects have been exhibited at Sabine Kliment-Feuerberg's gallery Leiwaund in Steyr in autumn 2019.
As part of the Forging Christmas 2019 in Steyr, I had the opportunity to present my works with a sales stand, ranging from photography to blacksmiths to glass objects. In cooperation with Fabian Hager of H-ART-Metall, a show forge was also operated.
As part of my training in the glass school, I was allowed to complete a one-month internship at the company Riess Kelomat GmbH in Ybbsitz. In this environment I was able to collect enormous knowledge about industrial enamels and to make first exhibits.
2020-2021 | Internship with the artist Alois Schild in Kramsach |
2020 | Participation in the Luxembourg Art Prize 2020 |
2020 | Internship at the company Riess Kelomat GmbH in Ybbsitz |
seit 2020 | Member of the association Schmiederunde Ybbsitz |
2019 | Blacksmith stand with Fabian Hager (H-ART-Metall) at the Blacksmith's Christmas in Steyr |
2019-2020 | Exhibition of glass objects at the Leiwaund Gallery in Steyr |
2019/20 | Glassmaking course at the PHTL Kramsach under the direction of Richard Weber |
2019/20 | Member of the Board of the Sound Brigade Cultural Association |
seit 2019 | College for Object Design and Production at the PHTL Glas&Chemie Kramsach |
2019 | Final and Diploma Examination at HTL Steyr |
2018/19 | Diploma thesis: Production of a case lock according to historical model with modern manufacturing techniques |
Seit 2019 | Honorary Photographer at the Sound Brigade Cultural Association |
2018-2019 | Project work with Mario Werndl, commissioned works, restoration and own art projects |
Seit 2018 | Member of the Loftelier studio community of Mario Werndl in Steyr |
2018/19 | Rhetoric seminar at the HTL Steyr with Robert Süss |
2018 | Internship at Nigel Barnett - Fransham Forge in Norfolk, UK |
2017 | Award of the forging competition Ferraculum 2018 in Ybbsitz |
2016 | Internship at Florian Stockinger, Lilienstahl GmbH in Ernstbrunn, NÖ |
2014/15 | Winter semester at the blacksmith academy in Lower Austria in Ybbsitz under the direction of Mag. Christine Habermann, HR DI Gernot Walter and Thomas Hochstädt |
2014-2019 | HTL Steyr - Art and Design - blacksmith and metal sculptor |
2014 | Summer semester at the blacksmith academy in Lower Austria in Ybbsitz under the direction of Mag. Christine Habermann, HR DI Gernot Walter and Thomas Hochstädt |
2013/14 | Winter semester at the blacksmith academy in Lower Austria in Ybbsitz under the direction of Mag. Christine Habermann, HR DI Gernot Walter and Thomas Hochstädt |
2014 | two-month hitchhiker trip through Japan |
2012-2013 | HTL Mödling - building and environmental engineering |